Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Modern slavery, includes bonded labour, forced labour, servitude, child labour or compulsory labour in the Indian social context. Various forms of modern slavery are strictly prohibited in India through its Constitution and other applicable legislations.

Spentacorp is a gifting and merchandising company providing products and services to leading national and multinational clients. We have always endeavoured to play our part in in assessing modern slavery risks in our business and supply chains and are strongly committed to the cause.

We have a zero-tolerance approach towards slavery, human trafficking or child labour in any form and are vigilant in this regard. We are committed to evolving our mechanisms and approaches consistently and effectively responding to hazards of modern slavery both in our business and our supply chains. We operate our business ethically and with responsibility, integrity and transparency. We do not employ, directly or indirectly, any individual who is brought to employment through slavery, bonded labour or human trafficking and strictly follow a “No Child Labour” policy. We always remain in full compliance of all applicable Indian laws in this regard.

Spentacorp fosters an open-door policy and employees are encouraged to approach the management, for redressal, of any form of harassment within the company. Spentacorp works with a varied network of suppliers, both large and small, in fulfilling our clients’ requirements. An on-premises supplier evaluation is carried out, wherever necessary, to identify and/or report any instances of modern slavery that could impact our commitment against such acts.

This policy does not form a part of our employee contracts and is subject to reviews periodically for improvement to ensure effectiveness.